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STABILITY AND SECURITY - subliminal + affirmations 111HZ + 7.83HZ

Built on two grounding and presence frequencies (111hz and 7.83hz (the pure Schumann Resonance)), these subliminals will help you:

-to become stable and secure

You don't hear anything because it's only subliminal.

Used subliminal:

The subliminal used is made in Bulgarian language.



- I handle myself in a way that gives me security and stability.

- I treat others in a way that gives me and them security and stability

- I feel safe and stable

- Others feel safe and stable around me.

Used frequencies 111hz and 7.83hz (the pure frequency of the Earth)

Subliminal translation in English:

I behave with myself in a way that gives me security and stability.

I behave with the others in a way that brings both me and them security and stability.

I feel stable and secure

The others feel stable and secure around me.

You can copy them repeatedly to your player until you reach your desired length or combine them with others. If you don't have a YouTube Plus account, I recommend downloading them and uploading them to a player on your device so you don't get interrupted by ads.

SUBLIMINAL and AFFIRMATIONS work cumulatively. Listen to them repeatedly. You can play them in the background while you do something else during the day or while you sleep at night.




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