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Consciously spending time in your senses in the present moment is a wonderful practice for security, stability, presence and peace.

Being aware of the here and now. Consciously choosing to spend time fully focusing on one of your senses at a time. To exclude the others as much as possible and really immerse yourself in one of them.

SMELL - you consciously focus on your sense of smell. During the day, consciously smell everything around you and get to know the environment around you through your sense of smell.

Also becoming aware of the smell in the environment around you and purposefully choosing and creating pleasant scents around you with scented oils, candles, perfumes or by spending time in the woods.

Also, especially when you are in nature, you can take 15 minutes to experience the world around you only through your sense of smell. Simply lying down or walking around with full focus on your nose and sense of smell experiencing the environment through your sense of smell.

SOUND - same but with your sense of hearing.

Give yourself time to listen to music, for example, and immerse yourself in the sounds themselves.

Or in nature to consciously devote yourself only to listening all the life around you.

Consciously keeping silent for at least several minutes per day. Or, in your communication with others, choosing to actively listen instead of expressing yourself.

TOUCH - to consciously indulge in experiencing the world around you in touch.

By simply lying down on the ground or in nature and sinking into your bodily sensations.

TASTE - to consciously indulge in experiencing the world around you through your taste. To chew slowly and literally sink into the taste of what you are eating. Trying new flavors and being focused on your food while eating. Eating good food and enjoying what you eat.

SEEING - spending time consciously observing the world around you. To refrain from speech and other actions, to refrain from opinion and simply observe the beauty of everything around you.

Consciously choosing to give yourself visual beauty through nature or any art form. To surround yourself with beauty.

EXAMPLE, during the day when I remember, I consciously sink into my senses. I love when I'm in nature at sunrise and sunset to just close my eyes, lie down and sink into the birds singing. I love smelling everything around me. And with food, I just explode in new tastes.

I often remind myself of my senses during the day and consciously immerse myself in them ❤️

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