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It is one of the most effective practices for presence, stability, security and peace.

The method is also known as VIPASSANA, the path that the Buddha left for the world.

You can research more about it on the internet.


First let's define what a bodily sensation is.

To do this, please do 5 squats. Please get up and do them, my dear Queen. Come on.

Now sit down. Can you feel the pulse? Do you feel your blood, the vibrations in your body? Your heavy breathing? Can you feel your body?

These are body sensations.

After intense movement, we feel our bodily sensations very clearly. But when we are still, it is difficult for us to do so. It requires stillness, focus and concentration. Still mind is needed. It is the same in our daily life. Being constantly in hurry, under pressure or even anxious, we often cannot feel our body at all unless we are in pain.

And precisely in this disassociation is rooted the lack of security and stability. We literally lose touch with our own physical reality - our body. We also lose touch with the physical reality around us. We are losing the ground beneath our feet.

Practicing presence through bodily sensations will help you restore this connection. From there will come your peace, security and stability.


Take a comfortable position. Make the pose really comfortable, because it's important to stay still for as long as possible while doing the practice.

First, place a slight focus on your nostrils. And focus on feeling the incoming and outgoing air touching your nostrils as you breathe normally (as it comes naturally to you).

These are subtle, bodily sensations. It takes focus and concentration to be aware of them. Most of the time we don't feel the air coming in and out of our nose at all. But bodily sensations are always there.

So you'll start with that first. Consciously monitoring the incoming and outgoing air. And feel your bodily sensations in the nose area. Give it some time. If you need even a few weeks or a month. Sit in a comfortable position for as much time as you can during the day and, being still, feel your bodily sensations in the nose area. If possible do the same as often as possible during your day. When you remember, for 1-2 minutes become aware of your bodily sensations in the area of the nose.

This way you will develop the necessary sensitivity and it will be very necessary for you in the next stage of the practice.

Once you have developed your sensitivity to very subtle bodily sensations, it is now time to engage your whole body in the practice.

Sit again in the same way in a position that is comfortable for you. Try to be still for as long as possible. And if you have to move, do it as slowly and smoothly as possible.

Now start feeling your bodily sensations at the top of your head. Stay in this area for 1-2 minutes, then continue to the back of the head. Feel the body sensations there also for 1-2 min. Then the face, then the neck, then the shoulders, the back, the chest, the hands, the palms and fingers, the abdomen, the hips, the genitals, the thighs, the lower legs, the feet, the toes. Spend 1-2 minutes on each part. When you reach the end of your body, climb back up in the reverse sequence. When you reach the top of your head - go down again.

This is the sequence of practice.

Spend time on every single part of your body - even your teeth, tongue, palate, ears, armpits, folds, knees, between your toes. Every small bit of you.

This is a very general description of the practice and is only intended to get you to begin to consciously feel more often and more of your bodily sensations.

If the practice is interesting to you and you want to study it in depth, look for a VIPASSANA CENTER near you and check when the courses are available and sign up to experience this extraordinary magic in depth.

This is the official website of VIPASSANA MEDITATION

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