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3. STEP 3


Hello, my dearest and most beautiful Queens.

It is time for Step 3.

However, before we start experiencing the session for the 3rd step, there is a small preparatory task.


- What you were or are experiencing most often in your relationships till now or at the moment, and you want to CHANGE.

Example: anger, betrayal, cheating, sadness, abuse, feeling not understood, feeling suppressed, lack of kindness, etc. Whatever you were feeling or feel at the moment and want to change - write it down as simply and specifically as possible.  

2. WRITE DOWN - what would you like to experience in your relationships? How would you like people to behave with you?

Example: to understand me, to support me, to respect me, to ask for my opinion, to admire me and make me compliments, to surprise me, to show me intimacy and kindness. Whatever you sincerely want most - write it down as simply and specifically as possible.  

It can also be - not only painful or unpleasant behaviour, but - something that is simply missing.

Example: My partner is behaving perfectly, but he is not sharing too much. I want him to be more open, trusting, and sharing.  

If it is not a direct quality, but let's say - marriage proposal, money support, or making me famous. Then write down what these things mean in terms of qualities for you.


-Money means freedom for me, the power to do what I want, etc.

-Marriage - commitment, security.

-Fame - attention, to be seen, appreciated, etc.

Write at least 3 things for the two questions.  Share these two in the group, if you feel so.  Have them prepared before you experience the 3rd experience session. We will use them in the session.

Love you endlessly, my dear Queens

Thank you for growing and growing us all Miglena


It is time to experience session 3.

This is the core session in our Relationship Journey and most of our Queens feel very strong self-sabotage exactly here. Sometimes they cannot start the session or finish it because something is always happening and they postpone, forget, delay. Please, dear Queen go through your self-sabotaging behaviours and experience this session with the needed dedication and attention. If needed, experience it on parts. Make as many pauses as needed - but just do it for yourself. After that you can experience it multiple times, if you need. Now just make sure you dive in it.


TIME: 1h 52min  

PUT YOUR HEADPHONES AND EXPERINCE THE SESSION. (If you do not have YouTube Plus account - I advise you to experience the sessions from the website, not on YouTube directly, so you do not get interrupted by ads. If you still ever experience ads problems in the sessions, I advise you to download the videos and ALWAYS experience the experience sessions uninterrupted by ads. If you need help - contact me. )




In the AFTER-SESSION video, I gave you three everyday tasks to stabilize your inner unity. Do not leave this session to be just one time, nice, opening experience. Make it your life and live every single day through it. These tasks are one of the most important aspects of the journey. Implement them into your everyday life. They will stabilize your inner unity, support you in maintaining it, and implement it in every aspect of your life. They will become your own experience path, and new awareness will start growing in you while doing them. Your own experience will guide you. Every new awareness will be your next step on your own journey.  

Materials for the everyday tasks:  

1. This is the frequency and subliminal messages video. Watch it at least once a day for 30 days, or sleep on it. It will support you so much in your transformation process. You can put it on the queue of your YouTube player 3-4 times in order to reach the desired duration for your sleep. If you do not have YouTube Plus account, I advise you to download the video and ALWAYS, multiply it several times in your player and always sleep on it uninterrupted by ads.

If you need help - contact me 

I love you endlessly


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