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2. STEP 2


TIME: 1h34min   PUT YOUR HEADPHONES AND EXPERINCE THE SESSION. (If you do not have YouTube Plus account - I advise you to experience the sessions from the website, not on YouTube directly, so you do not get interrupted by ads. If you still ever experience ads problems in the sessions, I advise you to download the videos and ALWAYS experience the experience sessions uninterrupted by ads. If you need help - contact me. )


1.The topic for observation, discussion and action over the next few days is MY FATHER.

- How did my father treat himself during my childhood?

- What did my father do for himself?

- Did my father take care of his health?

- What about his body and your appearance? - Did my father take care of his emotional and mental health?

- Did my father follow his dreams?

- Did my father put himself first?

- Do I show myself the same attitude my father showed to himself?

- If I behave differently from what I have seen from him - How do I feel?

- How did my father behave with the opposite sex? How did he treat women in my childhood? How does he treat women, now, if there is difference?

- Did my father treat himself negatively in my childhood?

- Did he force/persuade himself to do things he didn't want to do?

- How all this shaped me?

2. Write 12 things I am grateful to my father for.

3. Write down what qualities you think the best father should possess. List several qualities and next to each of them write with what specific actions it manifests in your everyday life.


Supportive - "always have my back and support me in everything without searching who is right and wrong."

Can I adopt the same self-attitude and self-behaviour. From today, can I start supporting myself with ideas, words, actions, motivation - exactly with the same things I dream for? Can I adopt 24/7 self-support lifestyle?

Feeling secure - "presence. Just to know he is there, and I can always count on him."

Can I adopt the same self-attitude and self-behaviour. From today, can I become more present myself?

Great practices for presence are:

- silence

- stillness

- breathing techniques

- observing

- consciously engaging with my senses here and now

- vipassana meditation (body sensations)

- work out

-awareness and appreciation for my own presence

Do I enjoy my own presence and my own company.

How I feel when I am alone?  

There is no right and wrong, simply write what will make you feel as having the best father in the world. And become this for yourself.

4. Security and the men in my family.

Go back to the men in your family lines - as far back as you can - at least to your great-grandfather - on both the maternal and paternal lines and list some qualities that are clearly distinguished, repeated and passed down as inheritance in the families in the male lines. Now observe and analyze these qualities through the topic of security.

- Do I feel SAFE to be in an environment where I am surrounded by people with these qualities? - What sense of RESPONSIBILITY have I grown up with being a member of such clans?

-Do I feel safe expressing myself in an environment full of these qualities?  

We have talked many times about the male and female energy within us. And how important it is for the full manifestation of female energy within us to be surrounded by strong male energy and to feel protected.

- Can I give this feeling to myself?

- Do I manifest some of the masculine gender qualities in my attitude towards myself?

- Or to other women? And to the others in general?



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