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1. STEP 1


RELATIONSHIPS is the first ever program I created. It is fundamental, basic and great starting with my methods program.

It is specially designed transformational program which will support you dive into your deepest relationship beliefs, emotions and behavioural patterns. We will identify which of them are working for you and which are not. Whatever is not working we will find its roots and we will replace it with new ones which are working for you. We will do this by:

- Going through your relationships with your mother, father and other primary caregivers in your childhood.

- We will find the same patterns in your relationship with yourself, and we will change them by changing your own behavior and overall attitude towards yourself.

- Later we will go through your most painful relationships.

- Lastly, we will put the foundation for your dream relationships.

Experience the program with headphones.

Share yourself in the sharing group, if you feel so ❤️





PUT YOUR HEADPHONES AND EXPERINCE THE SESSION. (If you do not have YouTube Plus account - I advise you to experience the sessions from the website, not on YouTube directly, so you do not get interrupted by ads. If you still ever experience ads problems in the sessions, I advise you to download the videos and ALWAYS experience the experience sessions uninterrupted by ads. If you need help - contact me. )


The journey is made in the most easy-to-adapt way to fit into your everyday life. Its idea is to become part of your real life and to allow you to experience it every day in your HERE and NOW. Adjust in the most convenient and comfortable way for you, dear queen, but really dedicate time for it and your growth and do your next steps regularly.

See you soon

Love you endlessly


QUESTIONS TO THINK ABOUT AND OBSERVE Over time, the Sharing group has had wonderful Step 1 tasks and invaluable shares that would help you realize many layers and integrate your experiences into your everyday life.  

I share some interesting questions and insights: 1. The topic for observation, discussion and action over the next few days is MY MOTHER.  We will look at it in different aspects  

- How did my mother handle herself during my childhood?  

- What did my mother do for herself?  

- Did my mother take care of her health?  

- What about her body and her appearance?  

- Did my mother take care of her emotional and mental health?  

- Did my mother follow her dreams?  

- Did my mother put herself first?  

- Is there similarity between the way my mother behaved with herself and the way I behave with myself today?  

- If I behave differently from what I have seen from her - How do I feel?  

- How did my mother behave with the opposite sex? What was her attitude towards men in my childhood and how it is today, if there is difference?  

- What is my attitude towards the opposite sex? - Did my mother treat herself negatively?

-Was she forced/persuaded to do things she didn't want to do?  

- How has it shaped me?

2. The theme of sharing, observing and acting remains the mother theme again. Let everyone write down what qualities they think the best mother has in their eyes. List several qualities and next to each of them to write down:  

- What are the specific everyday actions trough which I would like this quality to manifests in my life.

For example:

Unconditional - "every day, no matter what stage I'm in, what I've done or even what I look like right now, she does everything for me. Or she tells me all the time she loves me just the way I am."

Caring - "asking me every day what I want to eat and making it for me."

Whatever the manifestation of the quality itself is for you - write it down. There is not right or wrong. Write whatever will make you happy.

And now very important:  

- Can this list become my attitude/action plan towards myself?  

- Can I be this for myself and give myself all this?  

- What's the first little step I'm going to do to make it happen?

Example for Unconditional - I will ask myself every single day what I want/need today. And whatever I feel - I will do it for myself today.

Example for Caring - will ask myself everyday what I would like to eat and will prepare it for myself.  

3. write down 12 things I am grateful to my mother for.  

4. Today's Share, Observe and Act topic is:

- What kind of mother would I like to be at this very moment for myself? Forget everything else - exactly at this very moment, what kind of mother do I need right now?

- Write it down in specific daily actions.

- What should I do or how should I behave with myself in this role every day?

- Can I be that for myself, starting from today?




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