This is link for the sharing group for the journey in English language
This is WhatsApp link, which is working only on phone with installed WhatsApp.
If you feel, you can join and share your experiences. It is your place to share all your emotions, thoughts, experiences, questions, new awareness, miracles or everything you want with the other Queens on the journey. Here you can post your performance, results and experiences with them. You will be very surprised at how many similarities you will find between each other if you dare to share.
Also, your sharing will benefit all the other Queens in the group - because they might find solutions for themselves in your own awareness. Every Queen here is just like you - walking her journey - try to imagine how much your support and kind words will mean for her. Give her the love, kind words and support, you wish to receive yourself.
Last but not least, sharing in this full of love and support group will free you emotionally, help you grow and prepare you freely express yourself in your everyday life. It will trigger further your transformation processes. From my experience with the journey until now, the sharing group has been one of the most important aspects of the journey.
Enjoy it. Thank you for being here and growing yourself and us all as women.
Love you endlessly.