Neurographics is a type of art therapy to activate and process a certain theme within yourself. It can be your problem, fear, trauma, troubled relationship or your dream, longing, goal.
Through this method, you will bring to the surface of your consciousness all the unconscious patterns that live in you regarding this topic. We'll get them on the paper, and then we'll rework them and build new patterns.
Neurographics has specific, which I will describe below.
First of all, you will need a white sheet of paper or canvas and a pen. I always say - pick a nice paper - it will be your creation and your process. Let it be beautiful.
On the back of the paper, at the top, write down the topic you will be working on.
Make your topic clear and specific. Keep it short, but also specific - not too general. Let it have a specific direction and intention.
After writing down your topic, take a deep breath and repeat it. Again, take a deep breath and repeat it with your full conviction, free will, love and desire. Third time - take a deep breath and start writing under the title everything that came to your mind. It can be reflections and whole sentences. It can be individual words or even letters. They may be related to your topic or completely different. Just pour out on the paper by writing everything that is in you right now. Write for about 2 minutes without stopping or without thinking too much.
Now sign at the bottom of the paper. Write the date and write something from you to you. It can be "I love you", "I believe in you", "Let It Be!" or whatever you feel intuitively.
Now it's time to turn the paper from the face side - here we will draw. Place your hands on the paper - take a deep breath and connect with it. For example, feel it and say in your mind your theme again and express your full readiness and desire to unfold it.
Now close your eyes. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, scribble everything that is in you about this topic on the paper. Just scribble freely, with all your heart, let all that is inside you come out. If you felt there is more after you exhaled all the way - do it again. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, scribble with all your heart. Repeat as many times as necessary.
Ready. Everything has already been scribbled down. That's the situation right now. Now it's time to start re-working it.
Notice that where two lines cross, angles are formed - "+" or "x" or any shape of angles. In these corners, your topic’s energy jams/blocks/stops and cannot move freely.
Now it's our job to change that.
EVERYWHERE there is a corner we must round it. In the circle the energy will not be stopped/blocked and will circulate freely.
The circling looks like this:
Notice how every little corner is carefully rounded.
Where the lines are crowded and it is impossible to round, you can join them together and color to the nearest possible rounding.
Notice how this piece has multiple semi-visible lines that partially overlap each other. You will have to build a clear structure and combine them where necessary.
It is very likely that what you released on the sheet is only focused in the middle or at one end, or that there are large gaps between the individual "elements" of your release. The next step is to expand it by adding new lines that reach the end of the sheet or connect the empty spaces between individual elements. Drop the lines as you feel, but keep a few important points in mind:
1.Each line should be connected to another or end at the end of the sheet. There should be no freely ending lines along the length of the sheet
2. There should be no loose ends along the length of the leaf ovals that are not connected to anything else
3. For the expansion to occur with equal intensity so that it is no longer visible where your problem/desire/fear/dream was. To DISSOLVE THROUGHOUT
In this photo you can also see the larger black areas where there was a cluster of many small crossed lines that I have joined together.
Your neurograph should look like this at this point.
no blanks
everything to be connected, rounded and flowing into each other
all corners - including the newly created ones - must be carefully rounded
Inspect your work carefully. First, check if there are any corners or disconnected shapes left somewhere. Second, to look for shapes in it. Will you identify anything specific on your sheet? A plant, an animal, an object, a person, or any particular form? If you identify one - you may choose to work around it. And you may choose to work with an abstract composition.
In this step, define the vision of your work - if there will be a specific one.
It's time to give color. You can color according to the specific shapes you have determined or by feel. The only rule is - at least 2 "circles" must be in 1 color. There is no maximum, but enter a color to have at least 2 circles in it.
Don't worry if you forgot this rule somewhere - just divide the individual circle in 2 and circle the separate parts again.
From this point on, you can start applying the ENRICHMENT step. You can apply it to each subsequent step. It's about making your job RICH. You can achieve it with layering, or highlights, or scents. By spraying your work with perfume. Finally, you can frame it. You can put special words of your own in it. Whatever you feel - let it abound.
An example of layering and drop shadows.
An example of light shadows
I always put fragrances on my creations.
Observe yourself and the processes while you work. How do you feel? What materials do you use? What symbolism do you see in what is happening and in the forms? Do you have enough resources to create? Do you like what you do? What emotions and realizations come to your mind. Relate everything to your chosen topic.
Construction of energy structures
Running power lines. Run one or more lines on your sheet. They can be parallel from edge to edge of the sheet. Or penperdicular. As you feel, but if they cross each other, you need to re-round the intersection angles.
Energy forms - with these forms you will build the dynamics and essence of your work. What do you want to bring to the subject you are working on?
Triangle - movement
Square - stability
Circle - balance
You can choose one form - or 2 or all of them.
You can place them once or multiple times.
Decide for yourself where and how to place the shapes. Determine their size yourself.
Once you have placed the energy lines and energy shapes it is time to connect them together. Let there be an energetic connection between all lines and between all forms. Also between each shape and each line.
Everything with everything is connected and at the level of energy structure and flows into each other. If there are corners, round them off.
This is your topic. This is your creation. Make it beautiful - make it a pleasure to look at. Treat him with care, respect and love. Yes Be ❤️